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But to understand the financial crisis, 9/11 and so much more, it must be spokenconstantlyAs we begin a new year, amid ever-gathering global tyranny, this information is vital for everyone to know.
By David Icke – Davidicke.com

I have written and spoken extensively about the agenda behind the unfolding global financial crisis and here I will expose the coordinating force, or at least the prime one, behind that agenda and so much else, including 9/11.

Most conspiracy researchers either don’t realise the fundamental significance of this network or are too frightened to say so if they do. Sod that.

It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest … RothschildZionism. I add the ‘Rothschild’ to constantly emphasise the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day (see Human Race Get Off Your Knees).

I’ll explain the connection later to the gathering economic catastrophe, but some background is necessary to put it all in the context that it needs to be seen.

Ask most people about Zionism and they will say ‘that’s the Jews’, but while this is the impression the Rothschild networks in politics and the media have sought very successfully to ‘sell’ as ‘common knowledge’, it is not true. It represents only a minority of them and many others who are not Jewish.

Rothschild Zionism in its public expression is a political ideology based on a homeland for Jewish people in Palestine and a belief that the Jews are God’s ‘chosen race’ with a God-given right to the ‘promised land’ of Israel (historically this is nonsense, as I show in my books)

They also believe that the real borders of Israel must encompass what is now Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank still officially owned by the Palestinians, plus Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Jordan, or, as Genesis puts it: ‘… from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates’.

That’s the public expression of Zionism, but at its inner core it is a secret society created and controlled by the House of Rothschild.

They have sought to sell the ‘Zionism-means-all-Jewish-people’ lie so that they can condemn as ‘anti-Semites’ and ‘racists’ anyone who exposes the truth about Rothschild Zionism and its agents in government, banking, business, media, military etc.

This is why most researchers won’t go there even if they are aware enough to know that they should go there. To uncover and expose what is happening in the world we need all the ‘bees’ – brain, backbone, balls – and never more so than now.

Oh yeah, and add consciousness if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes beyond five-sense reality.

Racism is the ultimate ignorance in that it relates ‘self’ to the body instead of the Consciousness – Awareness – animating and experiencing through the body. It is like judging a man by his spacesuit instead of the person inside it.

So racists are ridiculous, juvenile and silly, but no way is the threat of being branded as one (they have already tried and failed) going to stop me exposing what must be exposed if the Control System is to fall.

The world’s most extreme racists are, after all, the Rothschild Zionists, anyway. Israel is an apartheid state every bit as much as were apartheid South Africa and apartheid America.

And by that I don’t only mean the evil that is inflicted upon the Palestinian people minute-by-minute, day-by-day, but also the extraordinarily racist divisions within Jewish society with the black Jews from Ethiopia, for example, treated as little more than vermin.

So let us get past the calculated smokescreen that challenging Rothschild Zionism and the horrors of Israel means you are anti-Jewish and instead look at the simple facts that they don’t want you to know and acknowledge.

Firstly, you don’t have to be Jewish to be a Rothschild Zionist, as US Vice-President, Joe Biden, publicly said while arse-licking his masters in Tel Aviv (ultimately his masters at Chateau Rothschild).

Some of the most vehement Rothschild Zionists are the Christian Zionists in the United States and elsewhere, led most vocally by their ‘spiritual’ leader, John C. Hagee. Think of the worst kind of extreme Bible-bashing hypocrite and you’ve got him to a tee.

Hagee is the founder and National Chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization, Christians United for Israel, he’s a regular visitor to Israel and has met every prime minister since Menachem Begin.

Hagee – the voice, though not brain, of the Christian Zionists.

His John Hagee Ministries has given more than $8.5 million to relocate Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel and he is the founder and Executive Director of an event called ‘A Night to Honor Israel’, which pledges solidarity between Christians and the State of Israel.

See the story later in this exposé headed ‘GOD-TV Erase Israeli Bedouin Village to Bring Jesus’ Second Coming’ to appreciate the extreme and heartless way the non-Jewish Christian Zionists support the official Zionists – Rothschild Zionists.

By contrast, a large number of Jewish people are not Zionists, some even vehemently oppose it and support the Palestinians in their battle for survival against the onslaught of genocide from the Israel government and military funded by the United States.

Jewish people organise protests and call for boycotts of Israel in response to the Rothschild Zionist agenda for the Palestinians and yet how many people know that who glean their ‘information’ from the mainstream media?

How many people know, as portrayed in this picture, that many religious Jews abhor the demands by the Rothschild Zionists for a US attack on Iran and have had warm meetings with Iran’s President Ahmedinejad to give their support?

No one who only gets their ‘news’ from the Rothschild-Zionist-controlled mainstream media would know any of this because they push only one line – Zionism means allJewish people, end of story.

But anyone who thinks that is true should read the article by Jewish musician and writer, Gilad Atzmon, later in this package, headed ‘How Israeli leaders kill for their people’s votes’.

The Rothschilds have a network of organisations, including B’nai B’rith and its offshoot, the Anti Defamation League (ADL), that work with other Rothschild- controlled groups to target anyone who gets close to seeing the elephant in the living room and exposing it for all to see.

They attack and undermine them in every way they can to stop the simple and devastating truth coming to light – that the Rothschild Zionists control the mainstream media; Hollywood and the movie industry; governments, not least in the United States; and crucially in the light of current events, they control global finance and commerce.

I am going to take you through the personnel of the Obama administration that ‘he’ appointed after his election in late 2008 to give you an idea of how the very few dictate to the very many via the Rothschild networks.

Remember as we go through the names that only 1.7% of the population of the United States is Jewish and significant numbers of those will not be Rothschild Zionists.

Obama appointed Rahm Emanuel (Rothschild Zionist) to be his White House Chief of Staff (handler). Emanuel, who has served in the Israeli army, is the son of a former operative with the Irgun terrorist group that helped to bomb Israel into existence in 1948 and cause some 800,000 Palestinians to flee their homeland in terror.

(Many Israelis connected to the Rothschild networks were sent to the United States after the State of Israel was established to specifically produce children who would be American-born citizens to infiltrate the US government system in the following generations.)

Obama’s White House Senior Advisor (handler) is David Axelrod (Rothschild Zionist), a close associate of Emanuel and the man who ran Obama’s ‘change you can believe in’ election campaigns against Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

Axelrod now oversees the words on the teleprompter screens to which Obama is welded for even the most minor announcement. Axelrod, like Emanuel, is the product of the Rothschild Zionist ‘political’ Mafia that controls Chicago where Rahm Emanuel is now running for mayor.

One of Obama’s chief funders and controllers is the Rothschild Zionist agent, George Soros, the multi-billionaire financial speculator and manipulator of countries, not least in the former Soviet Union.

Obama appointed a stream of Rothschild Zionist ‘advisors’ and ‘czars’ in various subject areas, including infamous Rothschild Zionist agent, Henry Kissinger, and one, Cass Sunstein, ‘Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs’, has called for ‘conspiracy theories’ to either be banned or taxed.

This is another Rothschild goal – to ban any view or research that exposes the Rothschild agenda.

Sunstein (Rothschild Zionist) says the opinion that ‘global warming’ is a manipulated hoax could be an example of what should be banned or taxed (see banned), and so how appropriate that Obama appointed Carol Browner (Rothschild Zionist) and Todd Stern (Rothschild Zionist) to take charge of his ‘global warming’/’climate change’ policies.

Rothschild Zionists Browner and Stern – on message.

And so to the economy …

The key economic post in the United States is the head, or chairman, of the Federal Reserve, the privately-owned and Rothschild-controlled cartel of banks that hilariously call themselves collectively the ‘central bank of America’.

A national central bank should be answerable to the people, otherwise it’s just another private bank lending the government ‘money’ which the population has to repay, plus interest.

The latter describes the US Federal Reserve, which, as the saying goes, is no more Federal than the Rothschild-controlled Federal Express. The ‘Fed’ prints money for literally cents on the dollar and then ‘lends’ it to the government at interest and for profit.

What a great scam if you can get away with it and because the Rothschild networks control the government and media as well as the Federal Reserve banks – they have.

We can pick up the ‘Fed’ story with the appointment of Paul Adolph Volcker to head the Fed during the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan (in truth George Bush senior).

Volcker was a former vice president and director of planning with the Rockefeller (Rothschild)-controlled Chase Manhattan Bank and left the Fed in 1987 to become chairman of the New York investment banking firm, J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn & Co., run by James D. Wolfensohn (Rothschild Zionist), who later became president of the World Bank.

Next in line at the Federal Reserve was ‘Mr Big’, Alan Greenspan (Rothschild Zionist), a practising Satanist according to some who say they have attended rituals with him.

Greenspan was ‘appointed’ by President Reagan (presidents don’t ‘appoint’ Fed chiefs, they are told who it is going to be) and he remained head of the Fed and thus American economic policy through all the Clinton years and most of Boy Bush before stepping down in early 2006.

In that time he oversaw the systematic dismantling of financial regulation that allowed greed and corruption to run riot and in the same period that vicious and despicable duo, Tony Blair and his Chancellor and later successor, Gordon Brown, were doing the same in Britain.

Greenspan received unquestioning support for this policy from Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretaries, Robert E. Rubin (Rothschild Zionist), former co-chairman of the Rothschild-controlled Goldman Sachs, and Larry Summers (Rothschild Zionist), former Chief Economist at the World Bank.

Bill Clinton’s Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy in this same period and Senior Economist and Senior Adviser on the Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton administration was Peter Orszag (Rothschild Zionist).

Another Greenspan supporter of deregulation was Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist), the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most powerful in the Federal Reserve cartel.

Without the collective demolition of financial checks and balances by this cabal of Rothschild Zionists there would not have been the crash of September 2008 with its catastrophic consequences for billions worldwide.

But when Barack Obama became US President a few months later, who was in the ‘economic team’ that he ‘appointed’ to ‘sort out the mess’? Er, the very ones who created it and it was all done from a White House controlled by Rahm Emanuel (Rothschild Zionist) and David Axelrod (Rothschild Zionist).

Geithner speaks: ‘I don’t know where the money’s gone – who cares?’

Obama made Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist) his Treasury Secretary – Obama’s mother worked for Geithner’s father, Peter F. Geithner (Rothschild Zionist), the director of the Asia programme at the Ford Foundation in New York.

Larry Summers (Rothschild Zionist) was appointed director of the White House National Economic Council, and Paul Adolph Volcker, business partner of the Rothschilds, was made Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

The gang that trashed the town was now back in town to trash it even more and you’ll never guess … they decided that the only way to save an economy brought to its knees by their collective actions and the banking system they represent was to, well, no, surely not … hand trillions of taxpayer-borrowed dollars to the Rothschild-controlled banks and insurance companies like CitiGroup (advised to disaster by Rothschild Zionist Robert E. Rubin, see above), J. P. Morgan, AIG and a long list of others.

Overseeing this and all other American government spending was Obama’s Budget Director, the already-mentioned, Peter Orszag (Rothschild Zionist), who worked closely with Rahm Emanuel (Rothschild Zionist) to impose the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which has devastated American industry in line with Rothschild policy.

Summers, Orszag and Geithner: used car anyone?

Summers resigned in late 2010 and at the time of writing the favourites to replace him are Roger Altman (Rothschild Zionist) and Gene Sperling (Rothschild Zionist).

Peter Orszag was the founder and president of the economic consultancy firm which advised the Central Bank of Iceland in the period before it went bankrupt and he advised the Russian Ministry of Finance when the country’s resource assets were being given to Rothschild Zionist oligarchs like Chelsea football club owner, Roman Abramovich, who became instant billionaires.

Orszag resigned as Budget Director in July this year with his job done, but, no matter, Obama announced that Jacob Lew (Rothschild Zionist), an under-secretary of state to Hillary Clinton, would take over and resume the same post he held under Bill Clinton.

By the time the brown stuff hit the spinning wheel in September 2008, Alan Greenspan (Rothschild Zionist) had stepped down from the Fed before the crash he knew was coming. But, once again, no matter. He was replaced by Bernard Bernanke (Rothschild Zionist) who printed even more money (at interest to the taxpayer) to hand to his Rothschild Zionist mates in Wall Street.

Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist), who has been centrally involved in handing trillions of dollars of public money to his banking associates with no strings attached, asked the opinion of a private international Rothschild Zionist ‘law firm’ called Squire, Sanders & Dempsey to see if American states could, as some requested, legally use bail-out money or TARP – the Troubled Asset Relief Program – to support the legal bills of people trying to protect their homes from foreclosure by the bailed out banking system.

The privately-owned Rothschild Zionist Squire, Sanders & Dempsey said ‘no’ and so Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist) said the money could not be used to protect the public who had bailed out the banks from foreclosure by those same banks.

David Millstone, a very active Rothschild Zionist, partner at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey and regional chairman of the Anti-Defamation League’s international affairs committee. His firm says that public money can go to the Rothschild Zionist banks, but not to the innocent victims of the banks.
And while all this has been going on, these have been the heads of the major international financial institutions with the power to impose global economic policies:
The President of the World Bank is Robert Zoellick (Rothschild Zionist), a big-time Boy Bush administration insider who was a fervent advocate of invading Iraq long before even 9/11. Zoellick took over at the World Bank from the disgraced Paul Wolfowitz (Rothschild Zionist), another orchestrator of the Iraq invasion as Deputy Defence Secretary.
The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is Dominique Strauss-Kahn (Rothschild Zionist), the French politician who is expected to run to replace President Nicolas Sarkozy (Rothschild Zionist) at the next election.

The head of the European Central Bank (ECB) is Jean-Claude Trichet (Rothschild Zionist), another Frenchman who took over in 2003 following his acquittal in a trial over ‘financial irregularities’ at Crédit Lyonnais, one of France’s biggest banks.

Anyone think, given these facts, that the Rothschilds could control global finance and could possibly, oh just a little bit, have orchestrated the crash of 2008 and what has followed??

At the heart of the ‘bail out’ of Ireland (the bail out of Irish banks and the elite investors, like the Rothschilds, by the people of Ireland) were Jean-Claude Trichet (Rothschild Zionist) at the European Central Bank and Dominique Strauss-Kahn (Rothschild Zionist) at the IMF.

And the banks that caused the crash to which the Rothschild Zionists in power are ‘responding’ for their benefit are also invariably controlled, directly or ultimately, by Rothschild Zionists.

These include Goldman Sachs headed by Lloyd Blankfein (Rothschild Zionist) and created by Rothschild Zionists Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs who came, like so many of these people, from families that settled in America from the country where the name Rothschild originated – Germany.

Even more specifically, the German region of Bavaria comes up again and again – the home of the infamous Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt (who today I would be call a Rothschild Zionist). The Pope and Henry Kissinger are just two examples of ‘born in Bavaria’.

Goldman Sachs was fundamentally responsible for the crash of 2008, but by that time its former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Henry ‘Hank’ Paulson, had been installed as US Treasury Secretary to begin the bank bail out policy, with enormous benefit to Goldman Sachs, in the closing weeks of the Bush administration.

Goldman Sachs was also instrumental in the collapse of the economy in Greece that started the ‘euro panic’ that later engulfed Ireland.

The symmetry is called Rothschild Zionism

They have the whole thing stitched up because the Rothschild Zionist secret society network have their agents in governments, the banking system, including the international institutions like the IMF, and control the reporting of their activities through ownership of the mainstream media.

As a result, if it is happening economically and politically, it’s because the Rothschildswant it that way – be it in banking, stock markets, commodity markets, currency valuation, the price of gold, the lot.

The world of finance is dictated by ‘investor confidence’ and who controls that? Those who have the power to control the media, government and central bank financial statements and have the financial resources to move trillions around the financial markets every day. In other words, the Rothschilds and their lackeys.

Rothschild Zionism is an elite secret society at its rotten core and the people I am naming here and so many more are not agents of Jewish people as a whole, but agents of the secret society that has mercilessly manipulated the Jewish population for centuries to advance its goals.

It is impossible to become President of the United States without support from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a massive Rothschild Zionist lobby group currently headed by Obama friend and funder, Lee Rosenberg.

It is also very difficult to hold high office of any kind if AIPAC doesn’t approve and a real struggle to even become a member of Congress or the Senate if AIPAC is against you.

As former BBC and Independent Television News correspondent, Alan Hart, wrote inZionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews: ‘Jewish people make up less than two per cent of the American population, but account for 50 per cent of the political campaign contributions.’

And that 50 percent is overwhelmingly made up of a few Rothschild Zionists and is not in the least representative of half the Jewish population.

American political leaders may disagree on this and that, here and there, but on one thing they are all agreed …

As I write, the Rothschild Zionist-owned New York Times and Washington Post have been urging people to reject the left and the right and support ‘centrist’ politicians – the alleged ‘centrists’ and ‘moderates’ are often the most extreme of  them all and need their ‘centre’ image to hide that. Barack Obama made claims to be a ‘centrist’ and so did Tony Blair.

New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman (Rothschild Zionist) endorsed two attempts he said were underway to create a new ‘centre party’ in the United States and the Washington Post reported that a new grouping, known as ‘No Labels’, had been formed to occupy the ‘centre ground’ of American politics (they did the same in Britain with the creation of the Liberal Democrats who are now in an extremist coalition government with the ‘right-wing’ Conservative Party).

It turns out that a major funder of ‘No Labels’ is the Rothschild Zionist billionaire, James Tisch, the founding chairman of the Jewish Leadership Forum, executive committee member of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and a president of the Jewish Communal Fund.

He is also a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, headed until 2008 by Obama’s Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner (Rothschild Zionist). Yes, how very ‘moderate’ and ‘centrist’ you must be, Mr. Tisch.

The Tisch family, one of the wealthiest in America, took control of the CBS empire in 1986 with the intention, they said, to promote the interests of Israel.

Two founders of No Labels, the Washington Post revealed, were David Frum (Rothschild Zionist), the ‘Axis of Evil’ speechwriter for Boy George Bush, and William Galston, a former advisor to Bill Clinton, who is close to the Rothschild Zionist Zilkha family, founders of Mothercare. Galston holds the Ezra Zilkha Chair in Governance Studies at the Rothschild Zionist ‘think tank’, the Brookings Institution.

No Labels is also supported by one of its ‘Citizen Leaders’, Kenneth R. Weinstein, CEO of the Rothschild Zionist ‘think-tank’, the Hudson Institute, founded by Herman Kahn (Rothschild Zionist), one of the inspirations for Stanley Kubrick’s character, Dr. Strangelove. The Hudson Institute and the Brookings Institution are major strands in the Rothschild ‘think tank’ network worldwide.

The aim of No Labels is to target anyone who is ‘partisan’ in their political views (challenges the manipulated ‘consensus’) and thus force them into the ‘centre ground’ – those who support the Rothschild agenda.  You can see this for yourself athttp://nolabels.org/.

No Labels is just another Rothschild Zionist extremist organisation masquerading as the moderate, ‘sensible’ centre – the wolf in sheep’s clothing technique that the Rothschilds employ to great effect.

In Britain and so many other countries around the world we have the same tail wagging the dog. The British version of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is the Friends of Israel network in every major party.

One investigation discovered that 80-per-cent of Members of Parliament in the now ruling Conservative Party are members of the Friends of Israel – which has the stated goal of supporting anything that is good for Israel (the Rothschilds who own Israel).

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, is a Rothschild Zionist and so is the leader of the Labour ‘opposition’, Ed Milliband, who got the job after a campaign in which his brother, David Miliband (Rothschild Zionist), was the other major candidate. This in a country where the Jewish population (with many not Rothschild Zionists) is around 280,000 in a national population of 62 million.

The key manipulating force in the previous UK governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown was Peter Mandelson (Rothschild Zionist), who flaunts his close connections to the Rothschilds with holidays at their mansion on the Greek island of Corfu.

Lap dog Mandelson, on the right, with his owner, Jacob Rothschild. Wuff, wuff, Peter.

The Rothschilds controlled Blair as they controlled Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and this was the connection that led to Blair going into wars in support of both presidents who were being urged on by Israel (the Rothschilds).

It was the Rothschild network that orchestrated the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the War of Terror and its justification, September 11th.

9/11: The Rothschild Zionist Connection

The lease of the twin towers at the World Trade Center was bought just weeks before September 11th by businessmen, Larry Silverstein (Rothschild Zionist) and Frank Lowy (Rothschild Zionist), who both have very close links to Israeli leaders, including current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who said that what happened on 9/11 was ‘good for Israel’.

The World Trade Center deal was struck with Lewis Eisenberg (Rothschild Zionist), the head of the New York Port Authority, vice president of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and a former partner at the Rothschild-controlled Goldman Sachs. Eisenberg is also close to the Israel leadership.

The man pictured here who lobbied heavily for the New York Port Authority to sell the lease into private hands was Ronald S. Lauder (Rothschild Zionist) from the Estée Lauder cosmetics family.

He is involved with a stream of Rothschild Zionist organisations, including the Jewish National Fund, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Anti-Defamation League.

Buying the World Trade Center lease was a terrible business deal for Silverstein and Lowy because the towers were known as the ‘white elephants’ given the state they were in and the fantastic amount of asbestos that needed to be dealt with. Asked why he had bought the lease Silverstein said: ‘I felt a compelling urge to own them’.

I bet he did.

When the deal was done Silverstein and co massively increased the insurance for a ‘terrorist attack’ and were awarded $4.55 billion after the towers were hit. The lease had cost $3.2 billion and Silverstein reportedly only invested $14 million of his own money.

The judge who oversaw the litigation between Silverstein and the insurance companies was Michael B. Mukasey (Rothschild Zionist) who later became US Attorney General.

‘Lucky Larry’.

Silverstein and Lowy had originally been outbid by $50 million for the World Trade Center lease by a company called Vornado, whose chief shareholder was the Jewish businessman, Bernard Mendik. He was Silverstein’s former brother-in-law and they had fallen out big time after his divorce from Silverstein’s sister.

Then Vornado, despite having the best bid, ‘suddenly changed their minds’ and ‘suddenly pulled out’ leaving the field free for Silverstein and Lowy. No wonder they call him ‘Lucky Larry’.

Weeks after Silverstein and Lowy presented their final bid for the WTC, Vornado’s Bernard Mendik died after becoming ‘suddenly ill’. So many ‘suddenlys’.

Silverstein had breakfast every morning with his children in the Windows on the World Restaurant, more than 100 floors up in the North Tower, but none of them showed on 9/11. Silverstein said he had a last minute ‘dermatologist appointment’ when in truth, as one his bodyguards has said privately, he had a phone call in his car telling him to stay away from the World Trade Center that morning. He then got on his car phone to tell his children.

‘Where’s Larry today?’

It was Silverstein who said in a television interview (which he now deeply regrets) that when another of his buildings in the World Trade Center complex, Building Seven or the Salomon Brothers Building, was on fire the decision was made to ‘pull it’ – the classic term for a controlled demolition.

Soon after this decision, the building, which had not been hit by a plane, did indeed come down in a controlled demolition.

The problem with Silverstein’s story is that it can take weeks to place the charges in a building like the 47-storey Building Seven to make it collapse in on itself as it did. How could the decision be made to ‘pull it’ and then down it comes?

Building Seven collapsed perfectly onto the land on which it stood – and that could only happen with a controlled demolition.

The charges were planted long before the official decision was made to ‘pull it’ and the whole 9/11 scenario unfolded from a pre-planned script. The BBC announced on live television that Building Seven had collapsed half-an-hour before it actually did because the authorities released the ‘news’ too early.

Security at the World Trade Center was the responsibility of the Rothschild Zionist- owned Kroll Associates which has close links to the CIA and Mossad. Security at all three airports involved on 9/11 was run by ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA, companies owned by Rothschild Zionists, Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon, and dominated by ‘former’ agents of Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service and counter-intelligence agency that handles security for the Israeli airline, EL AL.

Rothschild Zionist-owned ICTS was also responsible for security at the Paris airport where the alleged ‘shoe bomber’, Richard Reid, boarded his plane to the United States and ICTS was providing the ‘security’ at Amsterdam airport when the underpants bomber boarded his flight after paying cash for a high-priced last-minute ticket, boarded without checked baggage and, reportedly, even a passport. As a result, travellers are now being radiated in full-body scanners, of which more in a moment.

The CIA at the time of 9/11 was headed by George Tenet (Rothschild Zionist) and the ‘investigation’ into the attacks was overseen by Assistant Attorney General, Michael Chertoff (Rothschild Zionist), the son of an agent with the Israeli (Rothschild) enforcement agency, Mossad.

Chertoff co-authored the notorious Patriot Act which deleted basic rights and freedoms on the justification of 9/11 (Problem-Reaction-Solution) and then became the second head of Homeland Security, an organisation also created on the back of 9/11.

Chertoff now runs his own company, the Chertoff Group, a ‘risk management and security consulting firm’, which employs several senior colleagues from Homeland Security and also Michael Hayden, a former Director of the National Security Agency and the CIA.

Chertoff was all over the TV networks after the engineered ‘underpants bomber’ incident urging the government to introduce full body radiation scanners, which they then did. They are produced by one of the Chertoff Group clients, Rapiscan Systems.

The underpants bomber (well, more the burn-his-own-arse ‘bomber’) was, as I’ve said, allowed onto the plane despite a string of red flags, and apparently no passport, through a ‘security’ system operated by the Rothschild Zionist, ICTS.

The Pentagon at the time of 9/11 was controlled by people like Paul Wolfowitz (Rothschild Zionist), the Deputy Defence Secretary who went on to head the World Bank; and Dov Zakheim (Rothschild Zionist), a dual Israeli/American citizen and the Pentagon Comptroller who managed to ‘lose’ trillions from the Pentagon budget – a fact that was announced on September 10th, 2001.

Anyone wonder why this announcement was not widely reported? Did something happen the next day then? It had to be a coincidence, surely, they couldn’t have knownwhat was coming, could they??

Zakheim also wrongly classified squads of US F16 and F15 fighters as military surplus so they could be sold to Israel at a knock-down price (and bought with American ‘aid’ money, anyway). This and other military sales (often gifts) means that Israel, with a population of just seven and a half million, has one of the biggest air forces on the planet.

With love from Dov.

The Bush administration was famously controlled at the time of the September 11th attacks by the so-called ‘neocons’ or neoconservatives. These were led by a cabal of Rothschild Zionists like Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Robert Kagan, Douglas Feith, Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, the disbarred American attorney and convicted felon who was former ‘advisor’ to Dick Cheney, and William Kristol, editor of the Rothschild Zionist neocon propaganda sheet, the Weekly Standard, owned at the time by Rupert Murdoch (Rothschild Zionist).

Oh yes, and this gang also included Robert Zoellick, now head of the World Bank, who took over in that post from his neocon and Rothschild Zionist colleague, Paul Wolfowitz.

I repeat – Jewish people make up only 1.7% of the American population and many of those are not Rothschild Zionists. The ratio to positions of power is simply fantastic and I am only highlighting here what you might call a ‘headline list’. It goes much, much deeper – see for instance this list of Rothschild Zionists controlling ostensibly non-Jewish organisations …The neocon leadership wrote to Bill Clinton urging him to attack Iraq before 9/11 and they then went into overdrive to advocate the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan after the World Trade Center attacks under Bush.

Interestingly, these same Rothschild Zionists, along with puppet Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice-President Dick Cheney, both vehement supporters of Israel, launched a ‘think tank’ before Bush came to office called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

In September 2000, this organisation published a document called Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century in which they called for American forces to ‘fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars’ with emphasis on places like Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

But the document said that this ‘… process of transformation … is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor’ to justify it to the people.

One year to the month after that document was published and nine months after most of these Rothschild Zionists came to power in the Bush administration, America did indeed have ‘a new Pearl Harbor’ which was then used to justify the agenda laid out in the document.

Coincidence? Of course not.

The Bush State of the Union address in 2002 which called Iraq, Iran and North Korea the ‘axis of evil’ was written by the neocon, David Frum (Rothschild Zionist), now supporting the Rothschild Zionist front, No Labels, and was straight from the pages of the Project for the New American Century document.

The official 9/11 Commission ‘investigation’ into what happened that day was only forced upon Bush and Cheney kicking and screaming and the man they first appointed to head the Commission was Henry Kissinger (Rothschild Zionist).

This was so ludicrous and incredible that he resigned, citing ‘conflicts of interest’, which had never stopped him before.

But the ‘investigation’ and the final report was still overseen by Phillip Zelikow (Rothschild Zionist) and it decided that the official story was basically true after failing to interview or quote key witnesses that gave another version of events.

Phillip Zelikow: ‘You mean it was supposed to be open, thorough and tell the truth? Henry didn’t mention that.’

The federal judge assigned to deal with all wrongful death and personal injury cases filed by the families of those who died on September 11th was Alvin K. Hellerstein (Rothschild Zionist) who has major family ties to Israel.

Attorney Kenneth Feinberg (Rothschild Zionist) oversaw the 9/11 victim’s compensation fund and 97 per cent of the families were persuaded to take the money in exchange for not pressing for an independent investigation of the September 11th atrocities.

Those that did demand an investigation or rejected the limitations of the compensation fund were dealt with through a ‘special mediator’, Sheila Birnbaum (Rothschild Zionist).

Feinberg (Rothschild Zionist) went on to become the ‘Special Master’ for TARP Executive Compensation related to the bank bail outs, and is currently the government-appointed administrator of the compensation fund for victims of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Kenneth Feinberg (Rothschild Zionist) – busy life.

Then there is the story of the five ‘dancing Israelis’ who were arrested after police received several calls from New Jersey residents outraged that ‘middle-eastern’ men were high-fiveing, whooping and cheering as they videotaped the burning Twin Towers.

‘They were like happy, you know … They didn’t look shocked to me’, one witness said.

Police and FBI officers reportedly discovered maps of New York in the Israelis’ white van with locations highlighted, and also $4,700 in cash hidden in a sock, foreign passports, and box cutters of the type alleged to have been used by the ‘Arab hijackers’.

It was further reported that sniffer dogs found traces of explosives in the van, which belonged to a Mossad front company called Urban Moving Systems owned by Israeli Dominick Suter (Rothschild Zionist), who dropped everything (literally judging by the haste the office was evacuated) and fled back to Israel immediately after the attacks.

The Forward, a Jewish newspaper, said the FBI found that at least two of the five arrested Israelis were Mossad agents and that Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front operation.

The five were held for 71 days, but then released without charge and allowed to return to Israel where three of them appeared on television to say that ‘our purpose was to document the event’.

Yes, an event they knew was going to happen.

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College, has said publicly says that US military leaders now know that Israel ‘and those traitors within our nation’ were responsible for the 9/11 attacks (see his interview after this article).

Three of the ‘dancing Israelis’ on Israel television.

Since September 11th we have been subjected to a series of ‘Bin Laden’ videos and other ‘information’ promoting fear of Arab terrorism from two organisations called IntelCenter and S.I.T.E., or the Search for International Terrorist Entities Institute (so long as they are not from Israel).

IntelCenter is headed by Ben Venzke (Rothschild Zionist) and S.I.T.E was co- founded by Rita Katz (Rothschild Zionist). In an article headed, Is Israel Controlling Phony Terror News?, writers Gordon Duff and Brian Jobert ask some key questions:

‘Who says Al Qaeda takes credit for a bombing? Rita Katz. Who gets us bin Laden tapes? Rita Katz. Who gets us pretty much all information telling us Muslims are bad? Rita Katz? Rita Katz is the Director of Site Intelligence, primary source for intelligence used by news services, Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA.

What is her qualification? She served in the Israeli Defense Force. She has a college degree and most investigative journalists believe the Mossad “helps” her with her information. We find no evidence of any qualification whatsoever of any kind. A bartender has more intelligence gathering experience.

Nobody verifies her claims. SITE says Al Qaeda did it, it hits the papers. SITE says Israel didn’t do it, that hits the papers too. What does SITE really do? They check the internet for “information,” almost invariably information that Israel wants reported and it is sold as news, seen on American TV, reported in our papers and passed around the internet almost as though it were actually true. Amazing.’

But not quite so amazing if you have read this far and seen the extent to which the Rothschild Zionist secret society networks control and manipulate world events.

Rothschild Zionists Katz and Venzke provide ‘intelligence’ and Bin Laden videos for ‘security’ agencies and the media, and Adam Gadahn, pictured at the top here, is an alleged spokesman for ‘Al Qaeda’ who releases videos of himself supporting terrorism. His name is on the FBI ‘most wanted’ terrorist list.

How strange then that ‘Adam Gadahn’ turns out to be a Jewish man called Adam Pearlman, grandson of Carl Pearlman, who served on the Board of the rabid Rothschild Zionist Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The Chairman of the US Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is Senator Joseph Lieberman (Rothschild Zionist) who, like the Rothschild cesspit in general, is desperate to use the ‘threat of terrorism’ to censor the Internet to block the truth from coming out.

Rothschild Zionists have kept exposure from the door, up to now, through ownership of the mainstream media. Shahar Ilan, a daily features editor with the leading Israeli newspaper, Ha’aretz, wrote:

‘The Jews [Rothschild Zionists] do control the American media. This is very clear, and claiming otherwise is an insult to common knowledge.’

Not only in America, either, and not only the ‘news’ media of Rothschild Zionist moguls like Rupert Murdoch. The Los Angeles Times columnist, Joel Stein (Rothschild Zionist), wrote an article proclaiming that Americans who don’t think Jews (Rothschild Zionists) control Hollywood are just plain ‘dumb’:

‘I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. But lo and behold, even one of that six, AMC President Charles Collier, turned out to be a Jew! … As a proud Jew, I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.’

I emphasise again that we are not talking here about ‘the Jews’ owning the media, Hollywood, politics, banking and big business, but a tiny clique answering ultimately to the secret society that I call Rothschild Zionism.

The mass of Jewish people have been mercilessly used and abused by the Rothschild networks that don’t give a damn about them. They are not pursuing what is best for Jewish people as a whole, but what suits the Rothschild conspiracy for global domination on behalf of their hidden masters.

The Rothschilds and their Zionist secret society web control American government policy on Israel and everything else – and it’s the same in Britain and country after country, including France, Germany (of course), Italy, Belgium and the European Union, which was a Rothschild creation from the start.

Obama’s first major speech on the Middle East in 2008 was, according to the Wall Street Journal, written for him by James Steinberg (Rothschild Zionist), Daniel Kurtzer (Rothschild Zionist) and Dennis Ross (Rothschild Zionist). It was delivered to the Rothschild Zionist lobby group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Any chance of it being biased against the Palestinians, do you think?

The man appointed to oversee the war in Afghanistan and the targeting of Pakistan was Richard Holbrooke (Rothschild Zionist), Obama’s ‘Special Representative’ for Afghanistan and Pakistan who died in December 2010.

Holbrooke served the Rothschild Zionist cabal in positions of ‘diplomacy’ from the Vietnam war to the conflict in Afghanistan, taking in posts as a special envoy to the Balkans before and during the war in the former Yugoslavia; as United Nations Ambassador; as the man given responsibility for selling the Aids agenda, and so much more.

It is the Rothschilds’ duel control of America and Israel that has led to astonishing amounts of American tax dollars being transferred to Israel in military and financial ‘aid’. One arm of the Rothschilds is simply giving it to another.

John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt write in their book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy:

‘Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America’s entire foreign aid budget. In per capita terms, the United States gives each Israeli a direct subsidy worth about $500 per year.

This largesse is especially striking when one realizes that Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to South Korea or Spain.’

The US House of Representatives recently approved another $205 million in military aid for Israel for an ‘anti-missile’ system. ‘When it comes to defense, military, and intelligence cooperation, the relationship between the US and Israel has never been stronger’, said Democrat Representative Steve Rothman (Rothschild Zionist), a member of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee.

As he spoke, the Israeli authorities were using their American-supplied military might to continue the blockade of the Gaza Strip which has been stopping supplies of food, fuel and basic needs for 1.5 million Palestinians since 2007.

I have set out here to reveal the true face of Zionism – the House of Rothschild and its networks – and how its agents in Big Government, Big Banking, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Biotech, Big Media and so on, are working as one unit to impose a global Orwellian dictatorship on the human population – including the mass of Jewish people.

Zionism is a subject that all but a few are either too ignorant or too frightened to tackle and expose, but it must be made public and the web dismantled if global tyranny is to be avoided in the very near future.

In fact, it’s not even about the ‘future’; the tyranny is already here and it is just a case of how deeply we are going to allow ourselves to be enslaved by it.

The Rothschilds have spent a century hiding the true and ever-gathering extent of their global control and that veil must be lifted for the mass of the people to see.

I should also stress that when I say ‘Rothschild’, I don’t only mean those called ‘Rothschild’, nor even all of the people who are known by that name. There are many in the Rothschild family and its offshoots who have no idea what the hierarchy is doing and there are many ‘Rothschilds’ who don’t carry the name itself.

When I say ‘Rothschild’, I am referring to the Rothschild bloodline because, as I have detailed in my books, they have long had breeding programmes that produce offspring that are brought up under other names.

So when these people come to power, they carry the Rothschild genetics and answer to their control system, but they are not officially called ‘Rothschild’, and in this way the scale of the Rothschild infiltration of government, finance and so on remains hidden behind an army of offspring known by different names.

It is time to put the Rothschilds on public display because that’s the last place they want to be. They have operated from the shadows for long enough and we must urgentlyensure that those days are over.

Former Director of US Army War College Says ‘Military Know Israel Carried out 9/11 Attacks’

Wall Street’s Pentagon Papers: Biggest Financial Scam In World History

Rothschild Zionist Bernard Bernanke
GOD-TV Erase Israeli Bedouin Village to Bring Jesus’ Second Coming

British Jewry Goes ‘Off-Message’ over Israel

‘As the Jewish Chronicle reported Mick Davis, chairman of the pre-eminent Anglo-Israel charity, the UJIA, and the executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, “shattered a longstanding taboo by publicly criticising the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the peace process, voicing moral reservations about some of Israel’s policies and calling for criticism of Israel to be voiced freely throughout the community.”

What followed was an “I am Spartacus” moment. As the Israeli embassy and their cohort of diehard loyalists within Anglo-Jewry looked on aghast, one heavyweight community player after another voiced support for Mr Davis.’
Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela ‘That Can Reach US’ – Says A Rothschild Zionist ‘Think Tank’ Masquerading As An Independent Organisation

‘Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles on Venezuelan soil, based on western information sources, according to an article in the German daily, Die Welt, of November 25, 2010. According to the article, an agreement between the two countries was signed during the last visit o Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Tehran on October 19, 2010. The previously undisclosed contract provides for the establishment of a jointly operated military base in Venezuela, and the joint development of ground- to-ground missiles.
At a moment when NATO members found an agreement, in the recent Lisbon summit (19-20 November 2010), to develop a Missile Defence capability to protect NATO’s populations and territories in Europe against ballistic missile attacks from the East (namely, Iran), Iran’s counter-move consists in establishing a strategic base in the South American continent – in the United States’s soft underbelly.’
But hold on, let’s take a look at the organisation pushing this propaganda. It is the Rothschild Zionist Hudson Institute through its mouthpiece Hudson New York, and here is some background to the latter’s editor-in-chief, Nina Rosenwald (Rothschild Zionist):
She is Chairman of the Board of the Middle East Media and Research Institute and Vice President of the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Human Rights in China, and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Board of Regents for the Center for Security Policy, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting, New York Academy of Sciences, United Jewish Appeal/Federation, New York Psychoanalytic Research and Development, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and The Founders Association. Source: http://www.hudson.org/learn/index.cfm? fuseaction=staff_bio&eid=Rosenwald

So, no pro-Israeli bias there, then …
How Israeli leaders kill for their people’s votes

Palestinian land in green. 2011?
By Gilad Atzmon
Israeli-born musician and writer Gilad Atzmon, who has renounced his Jewishness and Israeli nationality, explains Israel’s massacre of Palestinians in Gaza in terms of Israeli culture, which is imbued with racism and a murderous hatred of Arabs in general and Palestinians in particular.
‘Don’t Rent to Non-Jews,’ Israeli Rabbis Warn
(Imagine what would be said it was the other way round)

‘Fifty Israeli rabbis have signed an open letter warning Jews not to rent or sell property to non-Jews, saying those who do should be “ostracized,” a copy of the letter showed on Tuesday.
… And imagine if anyone else had an advertisement like this …



Filed under 9/11, Commentary, World at War

The Occult Technology of Power

A Project of the Society for Illuminating the Sources of Power

Copyright 1974 by Alpine Enterprises, PO Box 766, Dearborn, Michigan 48121. All Rights Reserved for Printed Editions. E-text editions may be distributed without limit as long as the address of the Copyright Holder or publisher is included. Printouts from e-text are not allowed.

ISBN 0-55950-009-3
Library of Congress Card Catalog Number 88-083670

To My Son:

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” — Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield)

In this thin volume you will find the transcripts of your initiation into the secrets of my empire Read them again not for the arcane knowledge which is now second nature you, hut in order to re-experience the shock and awe you felt twenty years ago when at age thirty the fabulous scope of my power was revealed to you by my trusted, and now mostly departed advisors. Remember the surprise, to the point of disbelief, with which you beheld the invisibly delicate, but invincible chains of deceit, confusion, or coercion with which we finance capitalists enslave this chaotic world. Remember the feats of will and strategy that have been required to retain our position. Then, inspect your retinue carefully. Your heir must be equal to and eager for the task much as you were. Choose him carefully. As I lie here waiting for the end I can afford to relish the thought our empire lasting forever as I never dared while in charge. Rational power calculations, so easily disrupted by the thrill of power, are now entirely in your hands.

“Know, Will, Dare, and be Silent!” — Aleister Crowley


1. My Introduction to Your Initiation

2. Professor A. on the Role of Fraud in Nature

3. Professor Q. on Occult Knowledge as the Key to Power

4. Professor M. on the Economics of Central Banking

5. Professor B. on the Functions of the Central Bank in the Mature Finance Capitalist System

6. Professor G. on Social and Business Legislation and Policy

7. Professor D. on the Role of Public Education

8. Professor X. on Prestigious Associations and Secret Societies

9. Professor Y. on Covert Operations and Intelligence

10. My Closing Remarks

11. Afterwords by the Transcriber [Author?]

12. Bibliography


“Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman a rope over an abyss.”

“I teach you the Superman. Man is something to be surpassed.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

“Self reverence, self-knowledge, self-control these three alone lead to sovereign power.” — Alfred Lord Tennyson

“And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one’s self is.” — Walt Whitman

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” — Aleister Crowley: The Book of the Law

My Son, the time has arrived to make formal what you have confidently awaited for some years. Of all your brothers, sisters, and cousins, as well as the offspring of my close allies, I have chosen you to be heir to my empire. All the trust funds, foundations, and accounts through which my empire is controlled shall pass into your hands upon my retirement. All my alliances, understandings, and enmities with my handful of peers around the globe shall gradually become yours. Over the next twenty years we shall collaborate closer and closer, you and I, until, we finally act as one.

For ten years you have toured my empire in a succession of managerial assignments and are now familiar with the outward operations of my crucial banking, foundation, governmental, and think tank organizations. Until now, my advisors and I have deflected your questions as to how and if my diverse operations and holdings, which seem autonomous and even contradictory, are integrated into an organic whole to serve the dynasty’s interests. The fact that you asked these questions, rejecting my carefully nurtured public image as an idle, coupon clipping philanthropist, was a major factor in the high esteem in which I hold you. Most of your competitors found puppet leadership in any one of my organizations so awesome and gratifying that they immediately eliminated themselves from the contest for the top position which you have won. Such men of limited vision are necessary for my success. They bend unconsciously to the subtle pressures to which I expose them. They can be led in any direction I choose by simple-minded rationalizations aimed at their vanity without being privy to my motives which would be short lived secrets in their undisciplined and envious minds.

Most important in your selection as my successor, however was your psychological nature which has been faithfully reported to me over the years by my associates many of whom have advanced psychological training. A man in my position must have total mastery over his emotions. All actions affecting the power of the dynasty must be taken on the basis of coldly reasoned power calculations if the dynasty is to survive and prosper at the expense of its subjects and rivals. All power is impossible to those whose pursuit is ruled by sentimentality, love, envy power-lust revenge, prejudice, hatred, justice, alcohol, drugs, or sexual desire. Sustained power is impossible to those who repress all their irrational longings into their subconscious only to have them return in compulsive, out of control behavior that inevitably leads to their ruin. Although often clothed in the rationalizations of power calculation, compulsive behavior is at root, the emotionalism of a frightened child, desperately projecting his inner agony into a reality he is afraid to under stand, much less master.

Although you now must begin to pursue it consciously you have already displayed the alienation from your emotional nature that is so essential to achieving real worldly power. You must recognize your emotional nature as a primitive survival mechanism that was appropriate for the jungle and perhaps useful to common men, but useless for the tasks that confront us finance capitalists. Attachment to what you do, just because you do it, is the primary psychological characteristic of ordinary mortals. Such cognitive dissonance spells disaster for us. Our emotional mechanism makes our lives worth living, but is no guide to the occult arts of intrigue. So, continue to gratify your senses and emotions fully at your leisure. As long as the empire prospers you will have the resources to indulge in systematic gratification which will leave your irrational urges sated and, therefore, powerless. You will never be in the unenviable position of the middle class strivers who must, from lack of resources, repress their emotional natures if they are to attain any power whatever during their lives. Typically, they end up taking their pleasure from the victories and cruelties of their struggle. Thus, their end ceases to be power and they eventually defeat themselves with reckless behavior in pursuit of dominant thrills.

I have brought you into seclusion with my most trusted advisors in order to inaugurate a new phase of your instruction. Your formal training in the “official” political-economic world is now complete. This weekend will mark the beginning of your training in the occult technology of power that lurks behind outer appearances. As your tutors will explain, “occult” or secret knowledge is the basis of all power in human society, so I use the word “occult” advisedly, in its pristine usage. As I am sure you are aware by now, productivity in itself does not secure power and therefore does not secure the gratifications of life. After all, slaves can be productive. None of my organizations in which you served so well are concerned with advancing the techniques of satisfying human needs and desires. Rather, all are dedicated to the surreptitious centralization of productive, but especially coercive, efforts in my hands or in creating the intellectual climate in which such veiled control would be tolerated in the future. I destroy or paralyze productive efforts that cannot be ensnarled in my web

After a break Professor A. will take the floor in order to put finance capitalism into full biological perspective. His short talk will be followed by similar abbreviated summaries by his six associates, all of whom you know well. The rest of the weekend will be devoted to forthright fielding of your questions.


“Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? If humans ceased wholly from preying upon each other, could they continue to exist?” — Anton S. LaVey

“Nature, to be commanded must be obeyed ” — Francis Bacon

Organisms typically base their success primarily on deception and rely on actual force or mutually advantageous trade (symbiosis) as little as possible. This should be nearly self-evident, but is generally overlooked due to the moral codes we elitists foist on our subjects. Let me give a few examples in case the moral culture has to some extent impaired your powers of objective observation. Camouflage is universal among predators and victims alike. Blossoms imitate fragrances and colors which are sexually attractive to certain insects in order to effect pollination. Dogs bark ferociously and feign attack on enemies of whom they are, in fact, terrified. The Venus Fly Trap plant lures flies to their deaths. Men proclaim their altruism to others and even themselves while they selfishly scramble for personal advantage. If you doubt that fraud is normal in nature you should read section 3 of the first chapter of Robert Ardrey’s “The Social Contract” for a wealth of fascinating examples. (Of course Ardrey fails to grasp the full application to contemporary human society of his brilliant insights into man’s animal nature.)

Human mental prowess and communicative powers have merely provided superb elaboration on nature’s old theme of fraud and added its own distinctive feature: self delusion. Primitive animal hierarchies are based on bluff and bluster, and each member is well aware of and accepts, at least temporarily, its position in the hierarchy. The same wild enthusiasm and fascination for dominance and submission rages in human hearts. However, fraud is taken one step further. Not only is fraudulent bluff and bluster used to achieve dominance but fraudulent altruism and collective institutions are used to conceal dominance once achieved. Human hierarchies, in contrast to the animal variety, are best sustained when the members are deluded regarding the oppressive nature, or better, even the very existence of the hierarchy!

Visible rulers are highly vulnerable. Thus we see visible rulers claiming to be representatives of God, the common good, the material forces of history, the general will (either through vote or intuition), tradition, or other intellectual “spooks” that serve to lessen the envy of the ruled for the rulers. Encouraging such self-delusions among the masses of the ruled is universal for visible governments. However, such spooks are little protection for the leaders of such systems against their sophisticated elite rivals and no protection against men like your father. The Roman Empire was unquestioned by the mass of its subjects for centuries, but the Emperors lived in constant fear of coup and assassination.

By embracing deception wholeheartedly at every level, finance capitalism, or rule through money, has fashioned the ultimate system yet devised for the secure exercise of power. Men like your father, the hidden masters of finance capitalism, govern those who govern, produce, and think through invisible financial tentacles, the operations of which will be elucidated later by my colleagues. Dominance in all aspects of society is surreptitiously accomplished while the great majority of the ruled, and even most of the visible leaders, believe themselves to be fairly autonomous, if harried, members of a pluralistic society. Nearly everyone believes major decisions to be the vector sum of autonomous pressures exerted by business, labor, government, consumers, social classes, and other special interests. In fact, the vectors of societal power are carefully balanced by us so that any net movement is in a direction chosen by us. The only fly in the ointment is the occasional, but extremely messy, interferences by competing financial dynasties. This disconcerting problem will not be a major topic for this weekend.

I now yield to Professor Q. who will elucidate the central secrets of your father’s immense money power.


“The theory of aggregate production which is the point of the following book, nevertheless can be much easier adapted to the conditions of a totalitarian state than the theory of production and distribution of a given production put forth under conditions of free competition…” — John Maynard Keynes ~ Forward to the German Edition of the General Theory (September 7, 1936)

Throughout history, secure ruling elites arise through secret, or occult knowledge which they carefully guard and withhold from outsiders The power of such elites or cults diminishes as their occult knowledge is transformed into “scientific” knowledge and vanishes as soon as it becomes “common sense.” Before analyzing the secrets of the finance capitalist money cult let us glance for historical perspective at occult astronomy, the oldest source of stable rule known to man of which astrology is hut the pathetic remnant.

As soon as men abandoned the life of wandering, tribal hunters to till the soil they needed to predict the seasons. Such knowledge was required in order to know when to plant, when to expect floods in fertile valleys, when to expect rainy seasons, and so on. Months of backbreaking work were wasted by the unavailability of the calendar, a convenience we take for granted. The men who first studied and grasped the regularities of sun, moon, and stars that presage the seasons had a valuable commodity to sell and they milked it to the fullest at the expense of their credulous fellowmen. The occult priesthoods of early astronomers and mathematicians such as the designers of Stonehenge, convinced their subjects that they alone had contact with the gods, and thus, they alone could assure the return of planting seasons and weather favorable to bountiful harvests. The staging (predicting) of solar and lunar eclipses was particularly effective in awing the community. The general success resulting from following the priesthood’s tilling, planting, nurturing, and harvesting timetables insured the priesthood’s power. Today’s Christmas holiday season continues the tradition set by ancient priesthoods, who conducted rituals on the winter solstice to reverse the retreat of the sun from the sky.  Their invariable success was followed by wild celebrations.  Popular knowledge of seasonal regularities was discouraged by every manner of mysticism and outlandish ritual imaginable.  Failures in prediction were blamed on sins of the people and used to justify intensified oppression. For centuries people who had literally no idea of the number of days between seasons and couldn’t count anyway, cheerfully gave up a portion of their harvests, as well as their most beautiful daughters, to their “faithful servants” in the priesthoods.

The power of our finance capitalist money cult rests on a similar secret knowledge, primarily in the field of economics. Our power is weakened by real advances in economic science (Fortunately, the public at large and most revolutionaries remain totally ignorant of economics). However, we established money lords have been able to prolong and even reverse our decline by systematically corrupting economic science with fallacious and spurious doctrines. Through our power in the universities, publishing, and mass media we have been able to reward the sincere, professorial cranks whose spurious doctrines happen to rationalize in terms of “common good” the government supported institutions, laws, and economic measures upon which our money powers depend. Keynesianism is the highest form of phony economics yet developed to our benefit. The highly centralized, mixed economy resulting from the policies advocated by Lord Keynes for promoting “prosperity” has all the characteristics required to make our rule invulnerable to our twin nemeses: real private competition in the economic arena and real democratic process in the political arena. Laissez-faire or free market, classical economics was our original attempt to corrupt economic science. Its beautiful internal consistency blinded economists for many years to the fact that it had virtually nothing to do with current reality. However, we are so powerful today that it is no longer possible to conceal our imposing institutions with the appearances of free competition Keynesianism rationalizes this omnipotent state which we require, while retaining the privileges of private property on which our power ultimately rests. Although the interim reforms advocated by Marx in his Communist Manifesto such as central banking, income tax, and other centralizing measures can be corrupted to coincide exactly with our requirements, we no longer allow Marxist movements major power in developed countries. Our coercive institutions are already in place. Any real steps toward communism would mean our downfall. Of course, phony Marxism is an excellent ideological veil in which to cloak our puppet dictators in underdeveloped areas.

Secondarily, the power of the lords of money rests on an occult knowledge in the area of politics and history. We have quite successfully corrupted these sciences. Although many people are familiar with our secrets through such books as 1984 by the disillusioned George Orwell, few take them seriously and usually dismiss such ideas as paranoia. Since real politics is motivated by individual self-interest, history is viewed most accurately as a struggle for power and wealth We do our best to obscure this self-evident truth by popularizing the theory that history is made by the impersonal struggles between ideas, political systems, ideologies, races, and classes.  Through systematic infiltration of all major intellectual, political, and ideological organizations, using the lure of financial support and instant publicity, we have been able to set the limits of public debate within the ideological requirements of our money power.

The so-called Left-Right political spectrum is our creation. In fact, it accurately reflects our careful, artificial polarization of the population on phony issues that prevents the issue of our power from arising in their minds. The Left supports civil liberties and opposes economic or entrepreneurial liberty. The Right supports economic liberty and opposes civil liberty. Of course neither can exist fully (which is our goal) without the other. We control the Right-Left conflict such that both forms of liberty are suppressed to the degree we require Our own liberty rests not on legal or moral “rights,” but on our control of the government bureaucracy and courts which apply the complex, subjective regulations we dupe the public into supporting for our benefit.

Innumerable meaningless conflicts to divert the attention of the public from our operations find fertile ground in the bitter hatreds of the Right/Left imbroglio. Right and Left are irreconcilable on racial policy, treatment of criminals, law enforcement, pornography, foreign policy, women’s lib, and censorship to name just a few issues. Although censorship in the name of “fairness” has been useful in broadcasting and may yet be required in journalism, we generally do not take sides in these issues. Instead we attempt to prolong the conflicts by supporting both sides as required. War, of course, is the ultimate diversionary conflict and the health of our system. War provides the perfect cover of emergency and crisis behind which we consolidate our power. Since nuclear war presents dangers even to us, more and more we have resorted to economic crisis, energy shortages, ecological hysteria, and managed political drama to fill the gap. Meaningless, brushfire wars, though, remain useful.

We promote phony free enterprise on the Right and phony democratic socialism on the Left. Thus, we obtain a “free enterprise” whose “competition” is carefully regulated by the bureaucracy we control and whose nationalized enterprises are controlled directly through our government. In this way we maintain a society in which the basis of our power, legal titles to property and money, remain secure, but in which the peril of free, unregulated competition is avoided and popular sovereignty is nullified. The democratic process is a sitting duck for our money power. Invariably we determine the candidates of the major parties and then proceed to pick the winners. Any attempts at campaign reforms simply put the rules of the game more firmly under our government’s control.

Totalitarianism of the fascist of communist varieties is no danger to us as long as bastions of private property remain to serve as our bases of operation. Totalitarian governments of both Right and Left, because of the vulnerability of their highly visible leaders to party rivals, can be manipulated easily from abroad. Primarily, totalitarian dictatorships efficiently prevent new money lords that could challenge our power from arising in whole continents, civilizations, and races.

Perhaps a few words on ideology proper are in order before I conclude. The only valid ideology, of course is rational egoism, that is, the maximization of the individual’s gratification by whatever means prove practical. This requires power over nature, especially, when possible, power over other humans who are the most versatile and valuable tools of all. Fortunately, we do not have a society of egoists. Money lords would be impossible in such a society as the mental spooks and rationalizations by which we characteristically manipulate and deceive would be a laughing stock Under such circumstances a policy of live and let live or true “laissez-faire” anarchy might be the only alternative. Certainly a hierarchical order would be difficult to maintain by force alone. However, in the current era, while minds are yet in the thrall of altruistic collectivistic, and divine moralistic spooks, the egoist’s rational course is to utilize such spooks to control others.

The next speaker, Professor M., will detail the key institution of our power: Central Banking.


“It (a bank) can take the depositors’ goods, the goods that it holds for safekeeping, and lend them out to people on the market. It can earn interest on these loans, and as long as only a small percentage of depositors ask to redeem their certificates at any one time, no one is the wiser.  Or, alternatively, it can issue pseudo warehouse receipts for goods that are not there and lend these on the market. This is the more subtle practice. The pseudo receipts will be exchanged on the same basis as the true receipts, since there is no indication on their face whether they are legitimate or not. It should be clear that this practice is outright fraud.” — Murray Rothbard: Man, Economy, and State

“The bold effort the present bank has made to control the Government, the distress it has wantonly produced,. . ., are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American People should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution (The Bank of the United States), or the establishment of another like it.” — Andrew Jackson (December 2, 1834)

As you have a doctorate degree in economics from a great university I will touch as lightly as my verbosity allows on facts accepted by economic “science” and proceed to occult aspects of Central Banking.

Since the division of labor is the key to all human achievement and satisfaction, a system of exchange is crucial. Barter is hopelessly complicated. A command economy, in which each does and receives what be is told, is also hopelessly cumbersome and fails to take advantage of individual initiative, ability, and concrete knowledge. A medium of exchange, money, is the obvious solution. (Even our highly centralized economies on the socialist model now enthusiastically embrace money as an indispensable simplifying tool in their economic planning.)

When left to themselves people of a given geographical area settled upon a durable luxury commodity, usually gold or silver, to use as money. Because money is a store of value as well as a medium of exchange, people saved part of their gold income rather than spending it all. This gold was often stored in the vaults of a local goldsmith, the precursor of the modern banker, for safekeeping. The depositor received a receipt that entitled him to an equal quantity and quality of gold on demand from the goldsmith. At some point the goldsmith realized that there was no reason he could not loan out some of the gold for interest as long as he kept gold on hand sufficient to meet the fairly predictable withdrawal rate. After all, be simply promised to pay on demand, not bold the gold as such. Better yet, be could simply issue more receipts for gold than be bad gold and the receipts, renamed notes, could circulate freely among the populace as money.

However, he soon found that there was a definite limit set on this process by reality. Not all the extra notes issued circulated forever among the public. The rate of note redemption began to increase rapidly as the receipts passed into the hands of people unfamiliar with his reputation and especially when competitive goldsmiths, always eager for more gold reserves, came into possession of his notes. To prevent a disastrous run on his gold reserves, note issuance had to be kept within bounds. But the spending power of over-issuance was a grave temptation. Especially relished was the power over governments, industry, and merchants that the miraculous loan power of the goldsmith could obtain. Many succumbed to temptation, overextended themselves and brought ruin to their depositors while others slowly became wealthy bankers by pursuing conservative loan policies.

At this point, according to economic “science,” Central Banks are instituted to protect the public from periodic financial catastrophe at the hands of unscrupulous fractional reserve bankers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Central Banks are established to remove the limitation on over-issuance that reality places on competitive banking systems. As early as ancient Babylon and India, Central Banking, the art of monopolizing the issuance of money, had been developed into a perfect method for looting the general public. Even today many bankers copy the traditions of the earlier exploitive priesthoods and design their banks to resemble temples! Defenses of Central Banking are simply part of the deception that lies at the heart of all power elites.

Let us look at the way a new Central Bank is created where none has existed previously. We bankers approach the Prince or ruling assembly (both of whom always want more money to fight wars or to curry favor with the people and, typically, are ignorant of economics) with a compelling proposal: “Grant our bank a national Charter to regulate private banking and to issue legal tender notes, that is, force our notes to be accepted as payment for all debts, pubic and private. In exchange we will provide the government all the notes it prudently requires at interest rates easily payable with existing taxes. The increased government purchasing power thus created will simultaneously assure the power an prestige of the currently precarious nation and stimulate the sluggish, credit starved economy to new heights of prosperity. Most important the violent banking panics and credit collapses caused by unscrupulous private bankers will be replaced by our even handed, beneficent and scientific management of money and banking. Our public-spirited expertise will be at the disposal of the state while we remain independent enough of momentary political pressures to assure sound management.”

For a while this system seems to work remarkably well with full employment for everyone. The government an public does not notice that we issuers of the new notes are using the notes we create out of thin air to surreptitiously build economic empires at the expense of established interests. Because of the legal tender laws, few of the new notes issued by the Central Bank are returned for redemption in gold. In fact, private banks and even a few foreign banks may begin to use the Central Bank’s notes as reserves for further issuance of credit. Soon enough, though, prices begin to rise as the added notes increase demand relative to the quantity of goods and services. As the value of their savings decline more and more foreigners in particular begin to question the value of the Central Bank’s notes and start to demand redemption in gold. We, of course do not take responsibility for the rampant inflation when it comes.  We blame inflation on evil speculators who drive up prices for personal gain, as well as the greed of organized labor and business who are promptly made subject to wage and price controls. Even the consumer can be made to feel guilty for agreeing to pay the high prices! Mistaking symptoms for causes the government accepts the banker’s analysis of the problem and continues to give the Bank free reign in monetary policy.

By slowing the rate of note issuance periodically, the ultimate crisis stage is postponed until many decades after the original Central Bank Charter was granted. Before the rapidly dwindling gold reserves on which faith in our Bank depends is exhausted we abruptly contract our loan volume to private industry and government as well. With the contraction of the money supply a great deflationary crash begins in earnest with all its attendant unemployment, bankruptcies, and civil strife. We do not take responsibility for the depression. We blame it on evil hoarders who are refusing to spend their money and the prophets of doom who are spoiling business confidence. The government accepts this analysis and leaves monetary policy in our hands. If things go well we bankers channel the fury and unrest into puppet movements and pressure groups that carry our agents into full control of the government. Once in charge we devalue our outstanding bank notes in terms of gold and make them inconvertible for all but possibly foreign Central Banks and begin plans to restore a “prosperity” that will be totally ours.

When lucky, we are able to confiscate the gold of private citizens as punishment for hoarding during the climax of the depression.

Once the old order is subdued during the chaos of the crash and desperation of the depression, the field is open for our full finance capitalist system to be realized. If the money lords behind the Central Bank can avoid lapsing into political and economic competition among themselves a new and lasting order can be established. A war timed for this period of consolidation provides the perfect excuse for the regimentation required to crush all opposition.

Professor B., a former Chairman of a Central Bank, will explain the functioning of the Central Plank in the typical, fully developed finance capitalist system.


“We are undone, my dear sir, if legislation is still permitted which makes our money, much or little, real or imaginary, as the moneyed interests shall choose to make it.” — Thomas Jefferson

“From now on depressions will be scientifically created.” —  Congressman Charles A. Lindberg, Sr.-1923

In its pristine form a Central Bank is a private monopoly of a nation’s money and credit issuance supported by the coercive power of the state. That the Central Bank be directly in our hands is vital until our new order is firmly established throughout the governmental, business, intellectual and political spheres of society. After our order is consolidated, formal nationalization of the Central Bank with great fanfare is usually advisable in order to dispel any lingering suspicion that it is operated for private gain. Of course only loyal agents of the dynasty are allowed to obtain high offices in the Bank and our power remains intact. Obvious private monopolies are always the targets of sharp reformist agitators. Only the most paranoid, however, can see through the public facade to the private monopoly of the nationalized or quasi-nationalized Central Bank.

The Central Bank is the primary monopoly on which all our monopoly power depends. The occult power of the Central Bank to create money out of nothing is the fountainhead that fuels our far-flung financial and political empire. I will make a quick survey of a few of the ways this secret money power is brought to bear.

Basically, the power of our Central Bank flows from its control over the points of entry into the economy of new, inflationary money which it creates out of thin air. Ordinarily, bills of exchange, acceptances, private bonds, government bonds and other credit instruments are purchased by the Central Bank through specially privileged dealers in order to put the new money, often only checking accounting entries, into circulation. The dealers are allowed a large profit since they are fronts operated by our agents. Our purchase of government securities pleases the government, as our purchase of private debt pleases private debtors. As a quid pro quo to assure “good management” our agents are given directorships, managerial posts, and offices in the corporations and government’s so benefited. As the addiction to the narcotic of inflationary easy credit grows and grows we demand more and more control of our dependent entourage of governments and corporations. When we finally end the easy credit to “combat inflation” the enterprises and governments either fall directly into our hands, bankrupt, or are rescued at the price of total control.

Also, we ruling bankers control the flow of money in the economy through the wide authority of the Central Bank to license, audit, and regulate private banks. Banks that loan to interests outside the loyal entourage are “audited” by the Central Bank and found to be dangerously overextended. Just a hint of insolvency from the respected Central Bank authorities is enough to cause a run on the disobedient bank or at least dry up its vital lines of credit. Soon the banking establishment learns to follow the hints and nods of your father’s agents at the Central Bank automatically.

Further, the periodic cycles of easy money and tight money that we initiate through our control of the Central Bank cause corresponding fluctuations in all markets. Our inner circle knows in advance the timing of these cycles and, therefore reaps windfall profits by speculating in commodity, stock, currency, gold, and bond markets. Monopolistic stock and commodity Exchanges are a vital adjunct to our power made possible by our Central Bank power. We do not allow a fair auction market to exist, but make a great show of “tough” government regulation to create a false sense of confidence among small investors. With the aid of our regulatory charade and financial power we are able to maintain Exchanges tailored to our entourage’s need to manipulate stock prices at the expense of independent investors. Our privileged specialists on the floors of our Exchanges, aided by the propaganda of our financial press and brokerage houses, continually play on naivete and greed to drain the savings of the unwary into our coffers. The stock, commodities, and securities held in trading accounts by the Exchange and brokerage houses provides us with a clout far beyond our own actual holdings with which we can manipulate prices and win proxy fights for corporate takeovers.

Little danger to our lucrative racket exists from public-spirited regulation. Our manipulations are so complex that only the most brilliant experts could comprehend them. To most economists our Exchange operations appear to be helpful efforts to “stabilize” the market. We ruling bankers, if able to keep peace among ourselves, become richer and richer as time passes without the annoyance of exerting productive effort of benefit to others.

The next speaker, Professor G. will discuss the secrets of social legislation and policy that do so much to cement our power.


“There is no proletarian, not even a Communist, movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, in the direction indicated by money, and for the time being permitted by money–and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.” — Oswald Spengler: “Decline of the West”

“Also at the (SDS) convention, men from Business International Roundtables… tried to buy up some radicals. These are the world’s leading industrialists and they convene to decide how our lives
are going to go… We were also offered Esso (Rockefeller) money. They want us to make a lot of radical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move to the left.” — James Kunen: “The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary”

The danger to our system clearly is not that the “people” will spontaneously rise up and dispossess us. The “people” never initiate anything. All successful movements are led from the top, usually without the knowledge of the movement, by men like your father with vast resources and brilliant plans. The real danger arises in the upper-middle classes. Occasionally, these people make vast fortunes through some brilliant technological innovation in their business or through the favor of local politicians that escape our influence. Because of their ignorance of the reality of our power, however, the new rich usually fall easily into our hands. For instance, they seldom realize until too late that the dozens of loans they may owe to apparently independent banks can be called simultaneously with a mere nod from your father. Graver danger is presented by those whose enterprises are so successful as to be self-financing. Since the advent of the corporate income tax truly self-financing corporations are extremely rare. Most disquieting is when these upstarts acquire the covert or open support and advice of your father’s major international antagonists. This is particularly dangerous in countries with long democratic traditions where it is difficult to make our arbitrary rulings stick.

The best solution is to enact comprehensive taxes and business regulations in the name of the common good. Such measures reduce the incidence of significant upstart competition to manageable levels. This policy, of course, strangles innovation and productivity. Reduction of the GNPs in countries under your father’s control would be acceptable in the interests of secure power under the pretext of conservation, ecology, or no-growth stability except that if carried too far your father’s clout vis-a-vis his international rivals would be impaired. The most difficult problem for the money lord is determining the level of social and economic freedom he dares allow for the sake of his international power. Only method is to maintain a home base of carefully monitored, relative freedom on which to base the economic and military strength required to maintain an empire of totalitarian dictatorships abroad. The following measures, however, are found necessary by nearly all money lords:

1. Steeply Graduated Income Tax ~ Income tax does not affect us because our money was accumulated before the tax was imposed and most of it is now safely protected in our network of tax exempt foundations. Foundation income and capital can legally be used to finance the bulk of our social, economic, literary, and even political propaganda. In a pinch it is easily diverted to illegal uses. Expensive “studies” required by our profitable economic operations can be legitimately financed through foundations.

To the middle classes, however, income tax makes life into an endless treadmill. Even the most productive find themselves unable to accumulate significant capital. They are forced into the clutches of our Central Bank entourage for injections of the inflationary credit which we are privileged to create out of nothing. The self-financing wealth of the legendary 19th Century robber barons and early Twentieth Century tycoons is no longer possible. Although your grandfather owed his start to just those wide-open conditions, he was among the first of the super-rich to advocate the erection of the tax wall that is now in place. Please note that in democratic countries eternal vigilance is required to prevent our tax shield from being riddled with loop holes by conniving legislators, who are usually of the tax oppressed, upper-middle class origins themselves.

2. Business Regulation ~ When upstarts slip through our financial tentacles and tax shields, perhaps with the aid of outsiders, a second line of defense becomes vital licensing in the crucial area of broadcasting has proven particularly necessary. This makes serious upstart-led mass political challenge impossible. Harassment by bureaucrats armed with arbitrary and voluminous industrial safety regulations is a new and increasingly effective technique. Security registration requirements, “to protect the small investor,” can cause fatal delays in an upstart’s ability to raise capital on the stock market. Ecological considerations are easily perverted to stymie the plans of those who would upset the stability of our carefully planned system.

Anti-trust law, however, is our ultimate weapon. The handy doctrine of “pure and perfect” competition which we have fostered in our universities is ideally suited to convict any successful competitor, at our discretion. If the competitor charges a lower price than ours he is accused of “unfair competition” aimed at driving us from the field to impair future competition. If he asks the same price as we, he is open to the charge of collusion. If he charges more than us, he is obviously exploiting his “monopoly power” at the expense of the consumer. Fortunately, the rulings of our bureaucrats are so complicated that even when successfully appealed in court many years elapse before the ruling is rendered. By then our goals are often achieved through harassment.

Product quality, safety, and testing regulations are excellent methods by which we insulate our established industries from potential competition. Beside raising the costs of entry into the auto business, for instance, the cost of “safety” can be passed to the consumer along with a healthy profit mark-up.

3. Subsidies, Tariffs, and Foreign Aid ~ Although direct subsidies can occasionally be procured for our entourage of corporations by appealing to the masses’ desire to preserve jobs, this exploitive technique is usually too obvious. Tariffs are easily passed, but lead to retaliation against our foreign holdings. Foreign aid and soft (sure to be defaulted) government guaranteed loans, however, fill the bill perfectly under modern conditions. Foreign aid maintains our empire of foreign dictators abroad while providing guaranteed, highly profitable sales to our corporations at home base. Foreign aid should always be contingent on the purchase of goods, usually military hardware, that only our entourage of firms can provide. Few have the courage to oppose such altruistic aid to the “starving masses” of the “third world.”

4. Centralization of Power ~ Real division of power between national, state, and local government is dangerous to our system. When local politicians have real autonomy, even in limited spheres, they can do much to enable upstarts to challenge our power. Our program is to bring all levels of government under our sway through such innovations as federal aid, revenue sharing, high federal taxation, and regional government.

5. Alliance with the Lower Classes ~ In order to keep our valuable regulatory machinery in place and under our control we must have the mass support of the numerous lower classes against our vigorous, but scarce middle-class rivals. The best method is to provide the lower classes with subsidies at the expense of the middle class. This creates a mutual hatred that prevents the middle class from appealing effectively to the lower classes for support. Social security, free health care, unemployment benefits, and direct welfare payments, while doing nothing for us directly, create a dependent class whose support for our critical measures can easily be made part of a package deal. Please note also that the major labor unions began with our financing and are led to this day by leaders of our choosing. No one can rise to or remain at the top of a rough and tumble union without our financial backing. In spite of their rebellious rhetoric, bought union leaders are the source of our power over the management of firms with widely held stock. Unions are the ultimate weapon for destroying otherwise invulnerable, self-financing rivals. Further, downward flexibility of wages and prices which obtains without widespread unionization would increase the ability of the economy to survive without our aid during the economic crises we create.

Bread and circuses are as useful today as in Roman times for mobilizing the mob against our staid adversaries. Next, Professor D. will describe our education policies.


“In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk . . . The task we set before ourselves is a beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just as they are. So we will organize our children into a little community and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way in the home, in shop, and on the farm.”  — The objective of Rockefeller “philanthropies” stated by him and Gates in Occasional Letter No. 1 of Rockefeller’s General Education Board.

“A general state education is a mere contrivance for molding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mold in which it casts them is that which pleases the predominant power in the government — whether this be a monarch, a priesthood, an aristocracy, or the majority of the existing generation — in proportion as it is efficient and successful, it establishes a despotism over the mind, leading by natural tendency to one over the body.” — John Stuart Mill

In order to maintain our system of power, the institution of universal public education is indispensable. The anarchy of private education in which any manner of dangerous ideas could be spread cannot be tolerated. Thus we make private education financially impossible to all but the few mostly the elite offspring of our financial entourage, by means of burdensome taxation and regulation. The primary purpose of public education is to inculcate the idea that our crucial institutions of coercion and monopoly were created for the public good by popular national heroes to blunt the past power of the malefactors of great wealth. Crucial is to create the impression that, although the people have been exploited in the past, today the wealthy are at the mercy of an all-powerful government which is firmly in the hands of the people or do-gooding liberals.

For those of more sophistication who reject this Pollyanna view of reality, we promote the “liberal reformer mentality” which holds that a new era of reform is on the verge of crushing forever the last vestiges of money lordism. Of course, the reforms, after taking shape as a bewildering myriad of regulatory agencies and taxes, are found to be ineffective in subordinating our power to the popular will, whereupon we stir up another era of progressive reform.

Our contrived Left-Right spectrum which our compulsory education helps to make universal is valuable in assuring that this charade does not get out of hand. The Pollyannas in the middle are neither dangerous nor useful in this endeavor. What is needed is a feeble, but persistent right-conservatism to moderate and emasculate the liberal reforms. Conservatives tend to resist all the advances in centralized, government power that we lead the liberals to see as necessary in order to totally end the “undemocratic” power of money in society. Conservatism would rather promote a “pluralism” of competing interests in which money is the medium of competition than risk the excesses of “big government,” When “liberal” reforms show signs of exceeding our intentions and actually threaten to place our key institutions in the hands of the people, we can always count on the conservatives to defend our power under the illusion that they are defending the legitimate rights of “free-enterprise capitalists.” On the rare occasions when conservatives call for subjecting our enterprises to laissez-faire competition, we can count on the dominant liberal reformers to insist on more government interference, unaware of our desire for such, in effect, self-administered regulation.

The Right has such a fear of the Left’s dream of democratic collectivism and the Left such a hatred for what it sees as the Right’s elitist, rugged individualism that there is little danger that they will ever join forces to overturn our government-backed monopolies even though we violate the ideals of both left and right.

Centralization of control at the state, or preferably national level, assists in building the climate of opinion we require in public education. Failing to obliterate local control, other methods nearly as effective are available. Our overwhelming financial clout in the publishing industry can induce relatively uniform textbook selection. Further leverage can be created by promoting teacher colleges and teaching machines. National teacher’s associations and unions are also an excellent power base from which to foster our programs of indoctrination.

With our great influence in publishing and publicity we are able to, selectively popularize educational theorists whose views are incidentally beneficial, compatible, or at least not in conflict with our own goals. This way we obtain sincere, energetic activists to propagate our desires without having to reveal our motives or even existence. We do not want an educational system that produces hard-driving individuals bent on amassing great wealth and power. Therefore, we discourage education that would develop the potential powers of students to their fullest. “Liberal” education that stresses knowledge for its own sake or even sophistry and sterile mental gymnastics is of no danger to us. “Relevant,” vocational, or career-oriented education also poses no danger to our power. Education that prepares students to accept a cog-like existence in our military-industrial-social-welfare-regulation complex is ideal. Progressive education with its stress on “social adjustment” also produces the conformity we require of our subjects. Emphasis on competitive sports may produce a certain amount of disruptive competitiveness among the participants, but primarily has the effect of creating life-long voyeuristic spectators who will enthusiastically sublimate their competitiveness into endless hours of following college and professional sports on the boob tube. Space spectaculars and dramatic political infighting are also marvelous diversions with which to occupy the masses.

Anyone seeking social change will gravitate to the field of education. Our strategy is simple: Let only those succeed whose influence would be compatible with our power. Encourage all who would develop the passive or receptive mode of existence. Discourage all who promote the aggressive or active capacities. Build a great cult of salvation through endless education, touting it as the “democratic” path to success Deride the frontal approach to success of the “outmoded’ rugged individualist.

Before yielding the floor to Professor X., who will discuss the role of secret societies and prestigious clubs, I would like to comment on the demise of religious education as a vehicle for social control. Religion, in its time, was a remarkable weapon for inculcating subservience, altruism, and self-abnegation among our subjects. We did not give up this weapon voluntarily. Your grandfather, for one, supported the Baptist faith well after most finance capitalists had turned wholly to secular ideologies. However, a trend toward rationality in human affairs plods along inexorably quite outside the reach of our power. Only in our totalitarian dictatorships can this trend be quashed entirely. In the semi-open societies in which our money power is based, the forces of reason can only be impeded and diverted. Some have theorized that, eventually, widespread rational egoism will overturn our order. I am confident that secular faiths and just plain confusion will suffice to sustain our power for many centuries to come.


“Every compulsion is put upon writers to become safe, polite, obedient, and sterile. In protest, I declined election to the National Institute of Arts and Letters some years ago, and now I must decline the
Pulitzer Prize.” — Upton Sinclair

“It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe–the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries–is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads.” — Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield), July 14, 1856

In preserving and protecting our grasp on nations we must exert veiled control of all major opinion molding associations and especially prestigious clubs which attract the leaders in various fields and do so much to influence the dispensing of commanding positions in government and business. Associations of the leading scholars, businessmen, writers, religionists, artists, bureaucrats, newsmen, ideologists, publishers, broadcasters, and professional men as well as special interest groups representing laborers, farmers, consumers, racial minorities, and so on must be subtly kept under the broad limits of our sway. Since membership dues and fees are never sufficient to support their ambitious activities, voluntary, non-profit organizations are easy prey for the nearly unlimited financial resources of our entourage. However, our real motive, to further our political and economic power, must not be revealed in the process. Our policies must be laboriously rationalized in terms compatible with prevalent ideologies and moralities or the material advantage of the groups involved. Leaders of such groups are remarkably quick to accept our rationalizations when financial support is extended. We engage in outright bribery only as a last resort, and then, only in extreme cases. Our long-range interests are better served by temporarily postponing a policy victory than by risking exposure of our power by attempting outright bribery. In fact, clumsy bribery and intimidation attempts are characteristic of our foolish nouveau-riche opponents.

As an example, if we decide that federal rather than state chartering or licensing of corporations would further our control over the economy, we would not simply order politicians and opinion leaders to support our desires. Corporations not relishing central control would be suspicious that something was afoot and might expose our plot. Our strategy would be as follows:

1. Sacrifice one of our less competent management teams in a well-publicized corporate scandal in order to focus attention on the “widespread problem of corporate corruption under current, lax regulations.”

2. Through well-funded agents, thrust into the publicity spotlight intellectuals or groups who already support federal licensing as a piecemeal step toward socialism. (One can find pre-existing supporters for nearly any measure with sufficient effort.)

3. After the issue is before the public, offer to support through foundations the “objective” study of the federal licensing proposals being discussed with an eye toward proposing legislation. Often, simultaneous support for studies by disreputable, irrational groups who will oppose the proposal is useful as well. Provide no platform for
well-reasoned opposition.

4. When a ground swell of support appears to be building provide the interested lobbying organizations with plenty of funds to grease the palms of politicians. The enactment of the federal licensing law thus appears as the will of society. Last-ditch opposition automatically appears mean spirited, obstructionist, reactionary, and paranoid, serving only to discredit our opposition.

In our fully developed system of finance capitalist thought control and promotion control, our hierarchy of prestigious associations is capped by a single prestige society: The Council of World Affairs. This organization is a front for the secret society of which your father is head. This secret society is made up of the people who have spoken, plus six others not present. You are replacing Professor Q. who is to retire shortly. Eventually you will replace your father. We thirteen are your father’s advisors and only confidants. All other agents are misled as to the bulk of our objectives and motives. Their knowledge is restricted to the details required by their assignments. The penalty for disloyalty is death.

The Council is invaluable for propagating our policy decisions to our entourage without revealing our motives and strategy. In many instances, policy can he successfully sold to our entourage and thus transmitted to the multitudes by merely airing it along with appropriate rationalizations in a single awe-inspiring session of the Council. The informal power of the Council is such that our policy manipulations are usually attainable without the clumsy exercises in brute power that invariably snag the independent power seekers. The Council is at the heart of what is called the Establishment and we are at the heart of the Council.

At the Council’s inception, we worked hard to attract the successful of all fields with all the prestige that our money power could buy. We had to work hard convincing the independent, self-made Council members to move in harmony with our policy objectives. We had many failures. Now everything is changed. Membership is no longer a reward for success as much as it is a prerequisite for major success. Without Council membership only the most outstanding can achieve national prominence. With membership, glaring mediocrities, with the “right” attitudes, achieve prominence. In fact, mediocrities are much more adapted to propagating our policy rationalizations and less likely to detect and oppose our ulterior motives. A power lusting mediocrity is not likely to judge his benefactors too harshly or inquire diligently into the nature of the power structure that brought him what he fears was undeserved success. The vanity of even idealistic, committed humanitarians militates against such a course.

The Council is now a giant employment agency of loyalists ready to parrot our public line from the commanding posts of government, foundations, broadcasting, industry, banking, and publishing. Although Council members are encouraged to take sides and bicker over the diversionary issues we create to entertain and enfeeble the populace, their solidarity in defending our power structure, root and branch, when pressed is a sight to behold! And to think that most see themselves as righteous defenders of the public good while they dismiss whispered rumors of our power structure as “kooky paranoia.”

Classical secret societies with elaborate circles within circles no longer play a major role in finance capitalist power structures. Most wide membership secret societies have degenerated into middle class excuses for escaping the wife and kids once a month for the company of men. But secret societies were a major weapon of our bourgeoisie forebearers in their struggle with the old feudal order of kings and princes. Under authoritarian despotism of the old style, the secret society was the only place a free-thinking man could express himself. Through threats of exposure, loyalty oaths, patronage, deception, and rewards we bound such malcontents into a fierce force for our revolution. The multitude of degrees, occult mumbo-jumbo, and vague humanitarianism concealed the real goals of our secret societies from the bulk of the membership. The roles of the “Illuminated” Masonic Lodges in European revolutions were decisive in our final victory over the old order.

I now yield the floor to Professor Y. who will discourse on the real “secret societies” the Modern Finance Capitalist State:  the National Security Institutions and Intelligence Agencies.


In our fully developed state-capitalist systems we have found absolute control of governmental intelligence gathering and covert operations to be vital.

Besides providing a valuable tool in our struggle with rival dynasties, such control is now an integral and necessary part of our day-to-day operations. Large intelligence communities are inevitable, given the system of all encompassing governments which we have imposed upon the world during our ascent to power. Our power would be short-lived indeed if the pervasive influence and power of these iron-disciplined intelligence agencies fell into the hands of mere politicians, especially those beyond our control.

We do not allow intelligence agencies to pursue the “national interest,” the way the public conceives “spies” to operate. Politicians cannot be permitted to divert the power and influence of our intelligence community from the esoteric requirements of our Money Power to petty political struggles.

Neither nationalistic aspirations of races and peoples nor ideological visions of intellectuals for humanity can be allowed to pervert intelligence and covert operations. Our rationalizations, both within the intelligence community and to the public at large, must be diverse and flexible, but the intelligence community must further without exception the inexorable goals we have set for humanity.

No crisis is more serious for our Money Power than an attempt by a head of government to assume personal control of intelligence and operations or to by-pass existing agencies by setting up parallel ones. Such intrusions must be met decisively. Although a contrived scandal to remove the offending politician from office is the first line of defense, we dare not shrink from assassination when necessary.

Perhaps the most accurate overview of our intelligence community can be achieved by visualizing it as a “nationalized secret society.” Our predecessors, in their struggle against the old order of kings and princes, had to finance secret societies such as the Illuminati, Masons, German Union, etc. out of their own pockets.

At great expense and risk such secret societies were able to infiltrate the major governmental and private institutions of the nations that our noble predecessors targeted for take over by the Money Power. Such bureaucratic takeovers are expensive and time consuming. They can be considered complete only when promotions, raises, and advancements are no longer based on objective service to the stated organizational objectives, but are in the hands of the infiltrating group and its secret goals.

How much easier it is for us, the inheritors of a fully developed state-capitalist system! By appealing to “national security” we are able to finance and erect secret societies of a colossal scope, far beyond the wildest dreams of our path breaking predecessors. Besides the benefits of public financing reaped by these “nationalized secret societies,” we obtain a decisive advantage from the fact that these our “spook” operations are sanctioned by law!

Maintaining discipline, loyalty, and secrecy is no longer solely a matter of propaganda, blackmail, patronage, and intimidation. Although these remain important tools, especially in emergency cases, ordinary discipline among initiates (now called agents) can be encouraged by appealing to patriotism and can be enforced in courts of law by prosecuting “national security violations.”

As massive as our intelligence community has become in itself, we still operate strictly on the finance capitalist principle of leverage. Just as a rational finance capitalist never owns more stock in a corporation than the bare minimum required for control, intelligence operatives are placed only in as many key positions as are required to control the target organizations. Our goal, after all, is agent control of all significant organizations, not intelligence community member ship for the entire population.

The organizational pattern of baffling “circles within circles,” characteristic of classical secret societies, is retained and refined by our intelligence community. That “one hand not know what the other is doing” is essential to the success of our operations. In most cases, we do not allow the operatives themselves to know the ultimate, and when possible, even the short-range objectives of their assignments.

They operate under “covers” that disguise our goals not only from the public and target groups, but from the agents themselves. For instance, many agents operating under “left cover” are led to believe that the agency, or at least their department, is secretly, but sincerely motivated by socialistic ideology. Thus, they assume that the intelligence agency’s ultimate goal is to guide left-wing groups in “productive” directions, even though they cannot always see how their own assignment fits into those assumed goals.

Other “left-cover” agents, those with right-wing predilections, are encouraged to believe the agency is simply “monitoring” violence prone, subversive groups in order to protect the public. When such agents are asked to participate in or even lead radical activity they assume that the ultimate objective is to fully infiltrate and destroy the organization for the good of the country. This is very seldom the case. We waste little or no money protecting the “public” or defending the “nation.”

Agents operating under “right-cover” are handled in symmetrical fashion. Agents with right-wing prejudices are encouraged to believe the agency is right-wing. Left-prejudiced agents are asked to operate under “right-cover” in order to “monitor” dangerous rightist organizations. Most intelligence agents remain blithely ignorant of the big picture which is so clear to us from our spectacular vantage point. Very few have enough information or intelligence to reason out how their specific and sometimes baffling assignments promote the legislative, judicial, operational and propaganda needs of our Money Power. Most would never try. They are paid too much to think about such things.

Agents with a “gangster-cover” are of two types. First, there is the sincere gangster that draws his salary from an intelligence agency. He is led to believe that the gangland “Godfathers” control the government agency for their own purposes. Actually, the situation is the opposite. The agency controls the gangster for other purposes. Second, is the sincere crime fighter who is led to believe that the agency is at tempting to infiltrate and monitor the gangsters as a preliminary step to destroying organized crime. Such “upstanding” agents commit many crimes in their zeal to rid the country of organized crime!

To envision how we operate in this lucrative field, let’s briefly look at the mechanics of dope smuggling. Police and customs officials are told to leave certain gangsters alone, even when transporting suspicious cargoes. This is made to seem perfectly proper since it is well known that secret police infiltrators of organized crime must participate in crimes in order to gain the confidence of gangsters.

What customs agent would want to upset a carefully laid plan to “set-up” the underworld kingpins of dope pushing! But the agent, as well as the police who cooperate, are mistaken in believing that the purpose of the assignment to help smuggle dope is ultimately to smash organized crime. If he could see the big picture, as we can, the agent would see that practically all our dope is smuggled by federal intelligence agents and secret police! How ever could such a volume be transported safely? Real harassment and prosecution is reserved for those who enter the field without our approval.

Here is our organized crime strategy: On the one hand we pass laws to ensure that mankind’s favorite pastimes (vices) are illegal. On the other hand, we cater to these “vices” at a huge monopoly profit with complete immunity from prosecution.

A new and growing methodology of our intelligence community is psychologically and drug-controlled agents. Properly, these are referred to as “behavior modified” agents, or, in the vernacular, “zombies.” With the use of hypnotic drugs, brain washing, sensory deprivation, small group “sensitivity” training, and other behavior modification techniques, the scope of which was hinted in the movie “Clockwork Orange,” complete personalities can be manufactured from scratch, to the specifications of value structure profiles we design by computer to suit our purposes. Such personalities are quite neurotic and unstable due to defects in our still developing technology, but still useful for many purposes.

The primary virtue of “zombies,” of course, is loyalty. Agents that are subconsciously programmed for the assignment at hand cannot be conscious traitors. All a “zombie” can do is reveal how compulsive and psychotic he is with regard to his “cause.” Even to trained psychologists he simply appears to be the proverbial “lone nut.” Although the “zombie” may have memories of psychotherapy at a government agency when questioned under hypnosis, this is unlikely to raise suspicion in the mind of court-appointed psychologists. After all, “lone nuts” should be kept in insane asylums and subjected to psychotherapy! At most, the government hospital will be reprimanded for letting a loony loose before he was cured.

Until our techniques can be perfected the use of “zombies” must be restricted to “national dramas” designed to justify the growing power of our centralized governments over the lives of our people. Most suicidal radicals and “crazies” who so mysteriously avoid arrest for years at a time are “zombies” conditioned to terrorize the public in the name of some irrational ideology. After repeated doses of such terror, the public is conditioned to accept the necessity of our intrusive police state with very little objection.

The way is clear for an accelerated program of behavior modification research to be conducted mostly at public expense in the name of mental health and rehabilitation. Such research can be conducted with little complaint in prisons, refugee camps, drug rehabilitation centers, government hospitals, veterans hospitals, and even public schools and day care centers. Mental institutions, methadone maintenance centers, and prisons are fertile fields for recruiting the deranged or drug-addicted persons most suitable for “zombie” conversions. Of course, only a few of our most trusted agents actually participate in the creation of “zombies.” The brilliant researchers and experimenters who make most of the breakthroughs earnestly believe that their techniques are destined strictly for the betterment of mankind.

Inevitably, a fraction of the population objects to behavior modification as an infringement of man’s “sacred” free will even if they are convinced that our intentions are benign. We carefully leak a few scandals to satisfy such persons that our experiments are being kept within bounds and that excesses are being stopped. Our artificial scandals exposing the “excesses” of coercive psychology are carefully designed to make the researchers seem incompetent and clumsy to the point of maiming and killing their “patients.” This effectively conceals the fantastic strides we have made toward total behavioral control. Great things are going to be possible in the future.

I now return the floor to your father for his concluding remarks.


My son, you surely have many questions about my strategy in the seemingly momentous economic and political crises that are shaking national and international affairs. You and I will begin handling them in detail shortly. For tonight, let me be brief. Most of the current national upheavals are stage-managed to consolidate our monopoly position in government and business against the continual nuisance of economically competent, but politically naive competitors. Likewise, most international crises are managed to exert pressure on our obstreperous, reluctant puppet dictators in underdeveloped areas. These events are fairly easy to manage. I expect to place such management in your hands as soon as possible.

The real challenge lies in dealing with my international peers. These are the real crises since they are crises of my power structure, not just of my subject populations and puppets. In the vast chess game with my peers there are no rules and no proven tactics. Mutual vulnerability, alone, limits the conflict. My peers and I have labored for decades to erect a world government and banking system under which we could all share finance capitalism’s millennium without the nightmare of internecine warfare. With the advent of nuclear war a new world order seemed particularly desirable. I say ostensibly we have labored for world government because none of us are sure the others will ever voluntarily surrender sovereignty to the group. The schedule set after the last World War has not been met. So far, the world government idea has served mainly to enthuse collectivist intellectuals, and secondarily to veil each finance capitalist’s maneuvers for supremacy from the rest.

The future course of finance capitalism is difficult to predict. Our empires are too fragile to risk all-out battles for supremacy among ourselves. Our power would dissipate to second echelon wealthy during the struggle. Yet we continue to chip away at rival empires on the premise that offense is the best defense. On the other hand, purely political leaders are helpless before our money power. When Caesars arise, they are of our making.

Perhaps our system will simply remain much as it is, secure on the national level and disturbingly pluralistic at the international level, until reason and egoism have developed among our populations to such an extent that our occult technology of money power becomes obvious to all who think and must yield to either anarchy or a more advanced form of deception.


“The names of some of these banking families are familiar to all of us and should be more so. They include Baring, Lazard, Erlanger, Warburg, Schroder, Seligman, the Speyers, Mirabaud, Mallet, Fould, and above all Rothschild and Morgan.” — Dr. Carroll Quigley: “Tragedy and Hope”

Any resemblance of these characters to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any resemblance of their methodology to that of real ruling elites is purely intentional. The extent to which I represent or exaggerate the self-conscious, intentional power technology of real politico-economic rulers and their unity is for the reader to decide after studying available empirical evidence.

I am providing a bibliography of relevant historical works to aid the curious reader. I have included no works written from spurious pluralistic suppositions no one seems to consider pluralism as a proposition requiring evidence since they are flooding the market. Unfortunately, many works listed affirm that ideas rather than individual struggles for wealth and power propel history; that is, they view the elites they observe ruling the world as ideologically motivated. Thus we have the spectacle of the Right claiming that major finance capitalists such as the Rockefellers or Rothschilds are “communist” conspirators or “socialists.” On the other hand, we see the Left claiming that the same people are bent on imposing laissez -faire capitalism, or in a slightly more realistic vein, are fanatical proponents of fascism. Virulent white racism is another ideology foolishly ascribed to the ruling class by the Left. This opinion is nicely balanced by the charge from the Right that the elite wants to “mongrelize” and thus submerge the white race. As usual the elite, completely free of prejudice, supports both sides of this battle for its own ends.

As should be clear by now, I believe that finance capitalists (Ferdinand Lundberg has dubbed them finpols, or financial politicians) are understandably attempting to make their power as extensive as possible without incurring the severe risks which plague pubpols (public politicians). (It seems that only the most daring finpols are willing to take on the additional risks of pubpoldom, perhaps only because they are denied the reins to the family’s fortune by more privileged relatives.) Pubpols lose their privacy and thus their right to sexual impropriety in addition to incurring vulnerability to electioneering and worse in “democratic” countries. In most areas of the world the lot of the pubpols is even worse. Purge, assassination, and armed coup are regular events. While totalitarianism of Right or Left at home eliminates the shield of secure private property desired by finpols, laissez–faire is likewise rejected out-of-hand as hell-on-earth by enlightened power-seekers.

Egoism, mitigated only by the reality of circumstance, is the motive to realistically attribute to healthy elites. An elite under the spell of mental spooks could not hold sway for long. Although finpol statism is increasingly a crisis for its victims, there is as yet no evidence that the elite itself is in serious crisis. Even inflation, the current crisis for the powerless, is simply another crisis to be managed toward the end of consolidating, extending, and refreshing elite power. No doubt the depression which must inevitably follow will be managed to even better effect at the expense of the masses.

I have classified the bibliography into the categories Right and Left. In each list I begin with the most objective works and proceed to the works most infected with mental spooks and emotional hysteria. These books should be read for empirical data, not theoretical insight. A list of less ideologically biased works is provided as well. I quote and recommend authors, not to imply support for my scenario where there is none, but to credit a few of those who have provided grist for my thoughts.


“We are much beholden to Machiavelli and others, that write what men do, and not what they ought to do.” — Francis Bacon

Indispensable Thoughts on History, Economics, Politics, Philosophy, and Human Nature:

Murray N. Rothbard: Economic Determinism and the Conspiracy Theory of History Revisited; Audio-Forum.

Nash: America’s Great Depression;1972.

Carroll Quigley: Tragedy and Hope; Macmillan, 1966

Gabriel Kolko: The Triumph of Conservatism; Quadrangle

Carroll Quigley: The Evolution of Civilizations.

Anton S. LaVey: The Satanic Bible; Avon Books, 1969.

Arkon Daraul: Secret Societies; Citadel Press, 1962.

Count Egon Caesar Corti: The Rise of the House of Rothschild; ibid.,  The Reign of the House of Rothschild; Cosmopolitan Book Corp., 1928.

Max Stirner: The Ego and His Own; Libertarian Book Club, 1963.

Robert Ardrey: The Social Contract; Dell Publishing; 1970.

Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future; Random House, 1966.

George Orwell: Animal Farm; New American Library

Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince.

Ludwig von Mises: Theory and History; Arlington House, 1969.

Henry Regnery: Human Action; 1966.

James J. Martin: Revisionist Viewpoints; Ralph Myles Publisher, 1971.

Committee on Government Operations, U.S. Senate: Disclosure of Corporate Ownership; U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974.

Antony C. Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution; ibid., Wall Street and FDR; Arlington House, 1975.

The Left on the Ruling Class:

Gabriel Kolko: The Triumph of Conservatism; Quadrangle Books, 1967.

Richard Ney: The Wall Street Gang; Praeger Publishers, 1974.

Ferdinand Lundberg: The Rich and the Super-Rich; Lyle Stuart, 1968.

Ferdinand Lundberg: America’s 60 Families; Vanguard, 1938.

William G. Domhoff: Who Rules America?; Prentice Hall, 1967.

W.G. Domhoff: The Higher Circles; Random House, 1970.

Matthew Josephson: Money Lords; New American Library, 1973.

M. Josephson: The Robber Barons; Harcourt Brace & Co., 1934.

George H. Shibley: The Money Question; Stable Money Publishing Co., 1896.

Jules Archer: The Plot to Seize the White House; Hawthorn Books, 1973.

William Hoffman: David: Report on a Rockefeller; Dell Publishing, 1972.

Joel Andreas: The Incredible Rocky; North American Congress on Latin America, 1973.

Gustavus Myers: The History of the Great American Fortunes; 1907

The Right on the Conspiracy Theory of History:

Antony C. Sutton: National Suicide; Arlington House, 1973.

Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.: The Economic Pinch; Dorrance & Company, Inc., 1923, Reprinted by Omni Publications.

Louis T. McFadden: Collective Speeches of Congressman McFadden; Omni Publications, 1970.

H.S. Kenan: The Federal Reserve Bank; The Noontide Press, 1968.

Gary Allen: None Dare Call It Conspiracy; Concord Press, 1973.

G. Allen: Richard Nixon: The Man Behind the Mask; Western Islands, 1971.

G. Allen: The Rockefeller File; ’76 Press, 1976.

Dan Smoot: The Invisible Government; The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962.

W. Cleon Skousen: The Naked Capitalist; The Author, 1970.

Taylor Caldwell: Captains and Kings; Fawcett Publications, 1973.

John Robison: Proofs of Conspiracy; 1798, Reprinted by Western Islands.

Nesta Webster: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements; Christian Book Club, 1967.

A. N. Field: The Truth About the Slump; 1931, Reprinted by Omni Publications, 1962.

William Robert Plumme: The Untold History; The Committee for the Restoration of the Republic, 1964.

June Grem: Karl Marx: Capitalist; Enterprise Publications, 1972.

Emanuel Josephson: Rockefeller Internationalist: Man Who Misrules the World; Chedney Press, 1962.

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Filed under Cover-up!, Documents, Economic Meltdown, Esoteric, Police State, World at War, Zionism